

(dmg) to Sierra Smooze download

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Main category - Drivers
Sub category - Other
Developer - Segev Sherry
Filesize - 5939
Title - Smooze
Smooze v 1.6.7

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Regarding the price, every single app that does something similar to the above charges at least X4 than the app current price. Doing a quick google search will show that even apps that offer JUST animated scrolling charge X4 than the app current price.
2 years ago | 2 comments | | Score: 4 Reddit
A few releases ago OS X introduced scroll acceleration, which means if you keep scrolling in some direction, the speed of the scroll will be greater and greater. You cannot disable this from the UI. It is extremely annoying if you want to scroll through a long website or a long source code in an editor.
Furthermore, on the Gestures tab, you can design custom mouse gestures which can be used in any app. For instance, you can devise your own mouse gesture scheme meant to help you add gestures to apps that don't come with native support for such a feature, for example, Safari, iTunes, and TextEdit.


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SmoothMouse is a mouse driver for macOS, created in 2012 by Daniel Åkerud and Eugene / Dae. It improved mouse pointer response, removing the infamous lag and provided a new way to configure mouse acceleration in macOS. At the peak of its popularity, it had approximately 40 000 users, including more than a hundred at Apple Campus in Cupertino.
Step 7: Type /Library in the Go to Folder box and hit Enter key to open it up.
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