

on MacBook v.1.16.40 PeptideShaker install

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Main category / Education
Sub category / Science
Developer / CompOmics
Filesize / 113459
Title / PeptideShaker
➢ version_1.16.40_PeptideShaker.pkg

FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Updated Ensembl genomes to version 33.
BUG FIX: Re-enabled the FASTA protein inference parsing.
Search engine result files: the original output from your search engine or your analysis pipeline, such as Mascot files, Trans Proteomics Pipeline (TPP) and/or files or mzIdentML files, among many others. They should contain the peptide/protein identifications. In the submission tool they should be tagged as “SEARCH”.
Download Count: 8
Changes in PeptideShaker 0.35.2 (November 14. 2014):
BUG FIX: Minor correction in the command line documentation for the import_precurosor_mz and import_precurosor_mz_ppm parameters.


10.11 (93036 kb)

El Captan (99843 kb)

for OS X (90767 kb)

FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Made it possible to cancel the batch loading in the table models.
Hit Return.
FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Re-enabled the improved (but slower) ptm location code.
BUG FIX: Fixed some GUI bugs related to changing the spectrum counts method.
FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Changed the selected peptide color in the protein coverage from red to blue, as red represents non-validated and blue is the row selection color in the tables.
FEATURE IMPROVEMENT: Generalized the "show tryptic/non tryptic peptides" to "show enzymatic/non enzymatic peptides".
BUG FIX: Fixed is a problem with unmapped search engine advocates.

(123670 kb) Download vers.1.16.39 PeptideShaker X9mX 1.16.44 Version on iMac Pro

(112324 kb) Software PeptideShaker ver 1.16.42 n3wbst 1.16.44 Mac

(129343 kb) Get 3.16.40 PeptideShaker kty1d 1.19.40 Featured on 10.12.6

(125939 kb) Get ver. 3.16.40 PeptideShaker r2EbBW 1.16.42 Hindi version

(97574 kb) Get Hm1 PeptideShaker version 1.16.35 1.16.42 Language Chinese

(94170 kb) Keygen EYSOCN VERS 1.16.35 PEPTIDESHAKER 1.16.41 Updated! version

(112324 kb) Update R5ATM4 PEPTIDESHAKER VER 1.16.44 1.16.39 for Mojave

Languages Japanese Chinese MNzL_One_Chat_4.9.tar.gz | 15360 kb | 3.9

Updated Mojave V.4.3.6-QBITTORRENT-3WXDRZ.APP | 16257 kb | 4.1.10

Version for Mac Pro vers.2.5-Quiet-HjQWr.tar.gz | 3754 kb | 2.4

Featured 10.13.5 IFVFVQ_VER_2.5.8_TIMECODE_CALCULATOR.PKG | 3504 kb | 2.5.9
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