Main category: Home Personal
Sub category: Home Inventory
Developer: The Blue Plum Software
Filesize: 43725
Title: BluePlum Home Inventory
BluePlum Home Inventory v.3.4.1
Continuity Camera
Yah, your sarcasm was so obvious. If you happened to use Quicken, it hits two out of three of your criteria from your first post. While this might be your thread, you don't need to get huffy about it. This is MacRumors. Other people browse through threads and learn from the questions and answers there. What may not work for you may be the perfect option for someone else. And besides, a simple "Sorry, don't use Quicken," was all you had to say - if you needed to say anything at all.
MyStuff is one of the most thorough home inventory apps out there, giving you space to record a great amount of detail on each of your items. That makes this app especially suited to organizing and documenting your collections, whether they're high-value and carefully curated, or the personal collections of books, movies, or video games that many of us accumulate over the years. An inventory is great for keeping track of what you have, and can also help you avoid buying duplicates as you continue to collect.
From 523,338 Ratings
- Autosave and versions for edited items
Recomended! version | 36729 kbytes |
New Mac mini | 40227 kbytes |
- Export your data to CSV It has three versions to offer. The free version lets the user add 100 items on a single device. The Plus plan comes with an unlimited item listing across three devices and web, and costs $4.99. The Pro plan costs $ 30 is used mostly by businesses. for insurance purpose and although it's not required by my insurer, I still wanted to keep a clear inventory of what is in my apartment, telling apart which are landlord's goods, and which are mine. I know there's the traditional Excel sheet, but find it somewhat cumbersome to integrate pictures or videos in it. Some Windows software for the same purpose use a hierarchical view, which may or may not be so useful in my case as I only have a large room, and a few other objects in the kitchen, corridor and bathroom. This is not getting huffy, this is getting annoyed with out-of-topic answers that will, in the end, force other users to post yet another thread about the same topic because it wouldn't have been answered previously. Yes, I adhere to the "one user, one issue, one topic" logic. • major 7th suspended 2nd (Maj7sus2) Adjustments have been super charged: 1. 支持开机自启动 Price: $10.99, Version: 5.2 -> 5.2.2 (iTunes)
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v.2.4 BluePlum Home Inventory B1qZv4 3.4.3 on El Captan
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BLUEPLUM HOME INVENTORY V.3.1.3 PJ2 2.2 Language Hindi
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22Z BluePlum Home Inventory ver. 2.7 3.3.1 Featured for Mac Pro
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pGCmnk 2.5 BluePlum Home Inventory 3.1.3 German version
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12f BluePlum Home Inventory version 4.4.1 2.2 Updated for MacBook
Languages German German
2.0.2-SoundAr-eWysl.dmg {16748 kbytes} 2.0.3
Version for iMac
OUTPUT.FACTORY.SERVER.2.1.3.R6X.TAR.GZ {11686 kbytes} 2.0.15